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  • The New Frontier for Hiring Managers: How to Virtually Onboard New Talent

    over 4 years ago by Lara Edgcombe

    Hiring managers, with a third of Switzerland's population now working from home due to the Covid-19 pandemic, companies are having to alter their onboarding strategy to fit in with the governments recommendation of social distancing. Onboarding new employees remotely is a drastic change from the norm, and comes with its own guidelines to ensure the new employee is ready to s...

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    Dsj Win The Race For Talent With Remote Onboarding Blogimage
  • Hiring Business Critical Talent Through Video Interview

    over 4 years ago by Lara Edgcombe

    Many of us in Switzerland have spent the last weeks grappling with a new reality. What has become clear is that more than ever, Swiss organizations need to fill business-critical roles to deliver food, resources and medicines on time to the general public.Working from home can put a stopper to your usual recruitment process. Do not let it stand in the way. Now is the time to...

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    Dsj Hiring Business Critical Talent Through Video Interview Blogimage
  • How to Look Beyond the CV to Find the Right Talent

    almost 5 years ago by

    โ€‹Reviewing a pile of CVs is a time-consuming task for hiring managers in the global procurement and supply chain sector, and they may not even be the best way to find your ideal hire. Candidates have a better opportunity to shine through other recruitment methods.ย ย ย ย For example, younger generations of workers are hungry to learn, value guidance and are passionate about deve...

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    How To Look Beyond The Cv To Find The Right Talent
  • How to Negotiate Salary with a Successful Candidate

    almost 5 years ago by

    โ€‹Hiring within the procurement and supply chain sector can lead to long and tough recruitment cycles as demands increase for smaller skilled talent pools. If you find the ideal candidate for a difficult to fill and specialised role, be prepared to face some salary negotiations with your new employee.ย ย ย ย ย It is important toย come to a conclusionย which keeps your candidate happ...

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    How To Negotiate Salary With A Successful Job Candidate
  • How to Make the Perfect Job Offer

    almost 5 years ago by

    โ€‹The procurement and supply chain sectorย isย facing a worrying talent shortage. The 2018 DHL report โ€œThe Supply Chain Talent Shortage: From Gap to Crisis,โ€ had estimated that the demand for talented supply chain professionals exceeds the supply by six to one. As baby boomers leave the workforce, it is essential for companies to attract new generations through attractive benef...

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    How To Make The Perfect Job Offer
  • How to Help a New Employee Relocate

    almost 5 years ago by

    โ€‹An employerโ€™s best resource is its people, and great workers in the procurement and supply chain sector are those who can bring cutting edge innovations and knowledge of new technologies to help further optimise the existing systems in place. These employees canย provide a lot of value to your company, and are worth an initial investment if you have decided to employ talent ...

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    How To Help A New Employee Relocate
  • The Key to Writing a Great Employer Value Proposition

    almost 5 years ago by

    โ€‹Logistics Managementโ€™s 2019 Salary Survey revealed that 42% of supply chain workers in the US claim to be โ€œalways open to better opportunities.โ€ A busy sector means many competitors are waiting to poach your most valued talent through attractive salaries.ย ย Worried HR and in-house recruitment professionals can prevent this by creating an EVP, or Employer Value Proposition, t...

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    The Key To Writing A Great Evp
  • How to Successfully Onboard a New Employee

    almost 5 years ago by

    โ€‹One of the keys to retaining new hires in the global procurement and supply chain sector is to build a strong and effective onboarding process to welcome your new employees.ย ย The key to building a successful onboarding process is to plan ahead, think from your new employeeโ€™s point of view and see the process in the long-term. Professional onboarding is more than ticking off...

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    How To Successfully Onboard A New Employee
  • How to Reject a Candidate and Gain a Brand Advocate

    almost 5 years ago by

    โ€‹The worst part of any hiring manager in the procurement and supply chain sectorโ€™s job is to tell a candidate that they didnโ€™t get the job at the end of a long application process. The experience can be uncomfortable for everyone, but it is still vital that you take time and effortย to contact the candidate in the right way and provide feedback on their application and interv...

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    How To Reject A Candidate And Gain A Brand Advocate
  • 5 Reasons Why Counter-Offers are a Waste of Time

    almost 5 years ago by

    โ€‹The global procurement and supply chain sectorย hasย a busy market where skilled candidates, particularly with those who have experience in new and emerging technologies, are high in demand. If you face a note of resignation in your inbox, it is tempting as an employer to send back aย counter-offerย to retain your most valuable employees on the payroll.ย ย ย ย The sad reality is th...

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    5 Reasons Why Counter Offers Are A Waste Of Time And Money
  • How to Deal With a Toxic Employee

    almost 5 years ago by

    โ€‹Do you have an employee who appears to spend more time complaining about their work rather than actually doing it? Or is always found by the water cooler gossiping about promotions and personal lives?ย ย ย ย Having a toxic employee can lead to a dip in productivity and wellbeing among an entire team, which can have disastrous consequences within the procurement and supply chain...

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    How To Deal With A Toxic Employee
  • Driving Diversity in End-to-End Supply Chain

    almost 5 years ago by

    Women only fill 15% of senior positions in end-to-end supply chain despite making up 37% of the workforce, according to a report fromย Gartner.ย How we can we address this imbalance and drive diversity forwards? By demonstrating that gender diversity a commercial imperative - and business leaders agree. A report by McKinsey & Company found thatย 90% of CEOsย said they prioritise...

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